Patrick LaLiberte Staff Writer All the way across the Pacific in Japan, some Domino’s restaurants, an international pizza chain, had a pretty wacky idea this holiday season: reindeer delivering pizzas. Certain sections of Japan are expected to get large amounts of snowfall this winter, which will make delivering pizzas by bike a hassle. To combat this, Domino’s is attempting to train reindeer to deliver pizzas in the harsh weather conditions. Domino’s has stated that they will have to do some test runs before making a decision on whether or not they will go through with this plan. Obviously, training reindeer to deliver pizza is not an easy task; reindeer do not tend to listen and do not follow directions very well. Domino’s is aware that training reindeer to deliver pizzas is not easy, but it seems that they underestimated just how challenging it would really be. First, they attempted to place pizza boxes on the reindeers’ backs, but they kept sliding off too easily. Their next idea was to have the reindeer pull big red sleighs filled with pizza, which worked a lot better. However, there are still many difficulties with training the reindeer to actually deliver pizzas. The reindeer being trained to deliver pizzas do not seem to realize that their job is to bring pizza to people’s houses. The reindeer constantly wander off into fields and other places where there are no roads, and they also fail to stop at the destination. Instead, they basically just walk around town aimlessly with a giant sleigh filled with pizza.
After a few weeks of attempting to train reindeer to deliver pizzas, Domino’s had to end the plans due to the fact that the reindeer would not cooperate and could not be controlled. Instead, certain Domino’s outlets in the area will be using scooters decorated to look like reindeer as their mode of transportation for delivering pizzas. This news is quite saddening for those looking forward to seeing reindeer delivering pizzas with a big red sleigh. Maybe in a few decades reindeer will have evolved and become much more intelligent, and Domino’s can finally carry out their master plan of pizza-delivering reindeer. Comments are closed.
March 2017