![]() Bryce Cullen Staff Writer Our oceans are currently facing the greatest plague ever, and sadly, we are the sole cause of all of its destruction. At the rate we are increasing our plastics in the oceans fish and mammals have had to deal with this for years now, and it continues to get worse. The United Nations estimates that the plastic kills about one million marine organisms every year although they still consider this to be a great underestimate as to the true amount of marine animals the plastic kills. If we do not change our ways, this can cause catastrophic damage for people from all walks of life. ![]() Andrew Bulieris Sports Editor Los Angeles police arrested the man who destroyed Donald Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star with a sledgehammer and a pick ax. The man identified himself as James Otis, an heir to the Otis family's elevator fortune, in an interview with CNN on the Walk of Fame Wednesday morning. He said he was doing it to help the eleven women who have accused Trump of sexual assault, and other victims who he said could come forward in the future. The man continued to state that he had “four or five family members sexually assaulted.” The attack on the star was to express the man’s discontent with having a presidential nominee who, he said, has become sort of a “poster child for sexual assault.” Otis plans to sell the star saying it could sell for over one million dollars; he also stated that he knows he might get arrested but “hopes that doesn’t happen.” ![]() Bryce Cullen Staff Writer A young team of Dutch college students has built a revolutionary electric motorcycle. Their cycle can get an astonishing 230 miles of range with one full battery. Then when everything has been drained from the battery, they simply swap it in with a fully charged one rather than just waiting for the original to recharge. With the help of Tesla, electric automobiles have always had some attention. Through these student’s work, electric motorcycles have begun to find their place in the market. Through advancing technology, batteries are continuing to improve. This means so can the electric motorcycle industry. Obviously, they are not very popular at the time, but they could be looking at a rise in interest. The Dutch students have yet to decide whether or not they are going to commercialize their electric motorcycle. Navigant predicts that only a mere 2,000 electric motorcycles will be purchased in 2016. However, Citron (they are an industry that researches the development of new industry products) predicts 2020 will be the year great change for the powered motorcycles and cars. Even Harley-Davidson has announced the prototype of an electric motorcycle. Citron believes this will play a very important role in creating interest in this new product. Some speculations as to when this will be revealed have said to be totally false. Speculators are saying that it will be available for purchase in 2017 or 2020, but a Harley-Davidson spokeswoman has shut these down saying they are false. ![]() Rhea Sodem Staff Writer Junko Tabei was the first women to climb the world’s highest peak and was the thirty-sixth person to ever climb Everest. She recently passed away from cancer at a hospital near Tokyo. Although she was diagnosed four years prior to her death, she kept climbing and went beyond Mt. Everest. She was the first woman to ever conquer the “Seven Summits”, which are the highest mountains on all seven continents. The “Seven Summits” include Kilimanjaro, Denali, Elbrus, Aconcagua, Carstensz Pyramid, Vinson, and Everest. Her famous Mt. Everest climb was in 1975 at a height of 8,848 meters. After this climb, many women, including Malavath Poorna, who climbed to the summit of Mt. Everest at the age of thirteen, and Lakpa Sherpa, who has climbed Mt. Everest six times, have been inspired to follow in Junko Tabei’s footsteps. Many people assume that Mt. Everest is not very difficult to climb compared to others, but it is in fact very difficult to even survive. At the summit of Everest oxygen decreases about fifty percent, and temperatures drop below negative thirty degrees. Even then, climbing up Everest is not difficult compared to its descent, which is when most climbers catch severe altitude sicknesses and frostbite. The success rate of conquering Everest is only twenty-nine percent. Now that it is known that climbing Everest is possible, more and more people are climbing it, and climbers are getting younger and younger as the years go by. Now there are restrictions for who can mentally and physically endure Everest. Junko Tabei is not only famous for her mountaineering achievements but also known for her defiance to the Japanese society when she left her child and husband to go achieve her dreams. She also created the first all woman climbing club in Japan. Junko Tabei once said “There was never a question in my mind that I wanted to climb that mountain, no matter what other people said." ![]() Andrew Bulieris Sports Editor To truly become a great football player, you have to develop a football mentality. Some people say football is ten percent physicality and ninety percent mentality. Your brain is the strongest muscle in your body; it controls everything that you do. Without a good mental game most football players will not be able to reach their full potential. Being mentally tough is what separates the good from the best players. ![]() Bryce Cullen Staff Writer For those diagnosed with type one and two diabetes, eating food is much more complicated than it is for people without diabetes. Those with the disease have to closely monitor what they eat throughout the day in a constant effort to stay healthy. Although everyone enjoys going out to eat, that can create a whole lot of hassle for those diagnosed with diabetes because when you go out to eat, there is no nutrition labels for all of the food. However, with today’s technology, this can be a thing of the past. Thanks to Rémy Bonnasse’s new invention, everyone will be able to know how many grams of fat, carbohydrates, and protein are in their food. ![]() Jacob Sosdian Staff Writer Swiss Army Man was a really good film; in fact, it is probably one of the best independent films I have seen in a while. Swiss Army Man is about a man named Hank who is stranded on a small island. Hank sees a dead body that washed to shore and befriends it. Together they go on a surreal journey to get home. It may sound weird, and you may ask yourself how this could be a good movie; well this is why. The two main characters are Paul Dano, who is known for being in Little Miss Sunshine and There will be Blood, and Daniel Radcliffe, who plays the dead body. Daniel Radcliffe is my favorite young actor who is known for being in a popular series Harry Potter. Swiss Army Man has its cheesy moments, but this film has a powerful meaning and that’s one of the reasons why I enjoyed it so much. It has a unique understanding about life and love, and after watching it I wanted to go out and do something adventurous. The directors, Daniel Scheinert and Dan Kwan, are new faces to Hollywood; they have only worked on short films and a little bit of everything else. What I like about this is that they created something different from other movies, and I can’t wait to see if they will ever work on another project together. ![]() Patrick LaLiberte Staff Writer It may have taken a while, but jetpacks are finally here. No, I’m not talking about those water-propelled jetpacks that have become popular in recent years; I’m talking about actual jet-engine powered jetpacks. The kind of jetpack that Boba Fett uses in Star Wars. Basically, this jetpack is the real deal. The jetpack was made by a company called Jetpack Aviation, and the chief executive of the company, David Mayman, had the honor of being the test pilot of the new invention. The newest model JB-10 can reach speeds of up to sixty mph, can go as high as 3 miles in the air, and can stay in the air for up to ten minutes. Last year, Mayman took the JB-9 model for a ride around the Statue of Liberty. Recently, the first test of the JB-10 took place over the coast of Monaco, and it looks pretty impressive. Jetpack Aviation says the jetpack will be for sale in about three years, and it will cost about $250,000. This price is unrealistic for most people, but as more and more companies start to make similar devices, including Martin Jetpack and Jetpack International, jetpacks will become more common and the price will drop over time. It is pretty crazy to think that real, jet-engine powered jetpacks are no longer science-fiction. These devices are becoming more and more advanced with every year that passes; who knows how long it will be until jetpacks are a common mode of transportation. Uses for jetpacks other than transportation include search and rescue, evacuation, troop positioning and other military purposes. Jetpacks are just one of many recent technological advancements that are making this world look more and more like a sci-fi movie. Perhaps real hoverboards will be the next new invention you will be reading about in a news headline. ![]() Andrew Bulieris Sports Editor On October 3rd Red Sox great, David Ortiz graced the baseball field for the last time ever in his historic twenty-year career. The Red Sox were eliminated after being swept by the Cleveland Indians in the AL divisional round. Nobody seemed to care in that moment that the Sox had just been eliminated; all eyes were on Big Papi and how he would never put that Red and grey uniform on ever again. It was such an emotional day that even Ortiz couldn’t hold in his emotions, knowing this would be his final goodbye to all Red Sox fans. ![]() Jessica Dorcelien News Editor Lying is a part of human nature because the brain is wired to do what is simple and what is easy. If, after trial and error, one finds that the truth won’t allow them to reach their desired outcome, then psychology's idea of positive reinforcement will cause people to lie. And if this method works, then why change it? Therefore, the behavior, in this case lying, will become recurrent. Yes, everyone lies. But no, not all lies are equal. The most common type of deception is when there is problematic information involved. In simpler terms, Stanford University’s Jeff Hancock states that the most common form is “people just leaving stuff out”; with this, he presented the supporting scenario: “I don’t want to tell you certain elements of what happened last night, but I’ll tell you everything else.” “Classic human lying” is categorized as protective deception that involves leaving things out and providing false information after being pressed into answering; whereas “padded, false” lying is categorized as the speaker lying because they do not care for the truth. |
March 2017