![]() Dylan Snyder Staff Writer Last week, the first period AP Art class hosted its final show of the year in gallery 123 at 117 North Salem Street. The opening reception was Friday, May 20th from 6:00 to 9:00. The full show, however, will last until May 30th. The show features multiple pieces from each senior which they have spent multiple hours working on throughout the year. Senior Noah McHan gave his input on the show and his art experience in general. Noah McHan
What will you be doing after you graduate from apex? I will be attending Appalachian State University to major in Art What was your favorite part of AP Art? My favorite parts were seeing my progress as an artist and meeting and becoming very close to the people in my class. What was the most difficult thing about AP art? The difficult part of AP Art is meeting the deadlines. It taught me how to get things done in time and also how to manage my time between art, my other classes, work, and chores. How does it feel to be showing in your last art show? Well, since I am majoring in art this will not be my last. I will miss this class a lot though. What lessons or skills will you take with you from your Apex art classes? Most importantly I learned how to deal with deadlines and time management. I also learned that even though art is a fun subject, it requires lots of your free time and dedication. The finished product is well worth it. Noah is one of the few seniors who have stayed in art throughout their high school career. The whole class once consisted of freshman taking Visual Arts I, and now these select few have stuck with it and become even better artists than they were before. This show is the ‘’grand finale’’ for these seniors who get a chance to showcase their work and progress. They would all appreciate the support from their classmates if you are able to see their work. Comments are closed.
March 2017